Accepting payments

You can process payments through MoneyMoov in the following ways:

  1. Our platform offers a user-friendly and secure hosted payment page, allowing you to accept payments easily without the need to create your own payment interface. When you generate a payment request, you'll receive a HostedPayCheckoutUrl property. This URL directs to a payment page specifically tailored for your payment request. Additionally, you have the option to set a CallbackUrl property during the payment request creation. This feature is for guiding your customers back to your website after they complete the payment on the hosted page. If you don't set this property, customers will be directed by default to the hosted payment page's results page after payment. This results page displays a summary of all payment attempts associated with the payment request, and it typically appears like this:

  2. If there is a need for you to display the pay element on the checkout page on your website, then you can use the NoFrixion pay element web component to display it anywhere on your website. To know more on how to do that visit Web Component - Pay Element.

  3. Design your own payment user interface

    There may be a need for a high degree of customization for the payment user interface to match the surrounding design of your website. In such a case you can use our various web components depending on the payment method you want to present to your customers:

    1. Card web component: To present a form to enter card details to your customer, you can use NoFrixion's card web component and design your interface as per your needs. This web component provides a convenient way to handle sensitive payment details without storing them on merchant systems. To know more on how to integrate the card web component on your website visit Web Component - Get Paid by Cards
    2. Pay by bank web component: To display a clickable button that features the logo or branding of any bank on your website which when clicked, the customer will be directed to a new page where they will be prompted to enter their banking login credentials or to authenticate their identity, use NoFrixion's pay by bank web component. All API requests to MoneyMoov are managed within this component to make it easier for you to integrate. To know more on how to integrate the Pay by bank web component on your website visit Web Component - Get Paid by Bank.
    3. Apple pay web component: To display an Apple pay button on your checkout page, you can simply use our Apple pay web component that helps you seamlessly integrate. Follow instruction on Web Component - Get Paid by Apple Pay.
    4. Google pay web component: To display an Google pay button on your checkout page, you can simply use our Google pay web component that helps you seamlessly integrate. Follow instruction on Web Component - Get Paid by Google Pay.